Saturday 1 March 2008

Another road song...

The link on the right which says Jeroen's blog/website takes you to the website of my friend Jeroen Wilhelmus.
I haven't seen Jeroen in a while: he lives in Holland and my father has just moved from Holland back to the UK. On one trip to the Netherlands, my father took me to Scheveningen on the coast, on a wet day, a windy day, where I took this photograph:

I spotted this same pier-end in Andrew Brooks' (see link right) work, Sealand, when he came to talk to my HNC class last year. He creates hyper-real images in photoshop, built out of hundreds of individual images and a lot of patience.
I think I have this right, please correct me, Jeroen, if I'm wrong... Jeroen is the son of the daughter of the man under who my grandfather studied music in Amsterdam after completing his degree in Edinburgh and before the Second World War. There is more to it than those words imply, of course.

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